Ipswich (Queensland) Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy


(Online Skype or Zoom consultations are also available)

SMS or Call on:

0402 538 147


20 Belleglade Ave Bundamba, Ipswich QLD 4304

Cost Per session $150

Hypnosis may help with the following;

      • Stop Smoking/ Quit Smoking (1)
      • Pain Management (2)
      • Weight Loss (3)
      • Anxiety (4)
      • Sexual Dysfunction (5)
      • Panic Attacks (6) 
      • PTSD (7)
      • Phobias (8)
      • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (9)
      • Nail Biting- Hair Pulling- Thumb Sucking (10)
      • Insomnia (11)
      • Alcohol issues (12)
  • Client Testimonials;


Hypnosis for Giving up Alcohol (Client testimonial Video *)

Client Testimonial (Alcohol)*

Hi Edward

Just a quick message, I came to see you a few months ago due to Alcohol issues I had, mate I don’t know what you’ve done, I thought it was a bit of hocus pocus at first to be quite honest but whatever you’ve done, it’s working brilliantly!!

I don’t even think of having a drink at all and even my family is surprised and very happy. So well done and many thanks for your help, first time I’ve not had a drink in decades and I don’t even miss it!

Thanks again


Testimonial (Anxiety)*

My son suffers from physical anxiety and since one treatment from Edward the improvement in the quality of his life is amazing..


Testimonial (Smoking)*

My husband gave up smoking after just 1 session, he smoked for over 20 years and was smoking on average a pack a day. He was hesitant and skeptical but going on over 6 months without as much as a puff the results are incredible, thank you Edward 😊👍


Testimonial (Pain)*

Hi Edward. Just wanted to let you know that my son’s abdominal migraines have completely disappeared. This is truly remarkable after almost 5 years of fortnightly pain. Thank you. It’s changed our lives.
😊 Sally
* Results are not guaranteed, results may vary from person to person

About the therapist;             

Edward John Fearn: BSW (ACU), Adv Dip Hyp, Dip Clin Hyp, Cert Clinical Hyp & Psychotherapy, JP (Qual), CMAHA, (Health Fund Provider).

  • Edward began his training in Hypnotherapy over 30 years ago, and today is well known and also widely respected within the Hypnotherapy profession.
  • He has helped and supported many people over the last two decades to quit smoking, get support with chronic pain, lose weight, and to help to deal with anxiety as well as various other issues.
  • Edward has also published case studies and clinical papers in Australia’s leading professional Hypnosis publication “The Australian Hypnotherapists Journal”.

J Aust Hypn Ass 2019 Apr Volume 67 (Issue No 5) A case study using hypnosis and ego state therapy to resolve, long term excessive crying (EC) in an adult female.; Edward John Fearn.
J Aust Hypn Ass 2017 Jun; Volume 66 (Issue 10) 13-15 Ego States, hypnosis, and nail biting; Edward John Fearn.

Over the years Edward had held a regular guest spot on Brisbane radio, as well as being interviewed a number of times by local newspapers.

Edward is also a member of the following peak professional associations and bodies ;

  • Clinical member of the “Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA) (CM 1212541)
  • Member of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) 

His practice is located in Bundamba (Ipswich)

0402 538 147

The following is a video containing a short relaxation exercise. This can be listened to on a regular basis before you attend your first appointment with “Edward”.

(Warning do not use while driving or using heavy machinery)


(1) New Scientist, October 1992,Vol 136 “How one in five have given up smoking” 

(2) Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2007 Jul; 55(3): 275–287.; Hypnotherapy for the Management of Chronic Pain)

(3) “Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.” J Consult Clin Psychol. 1996 Jun; 64(3):517-9.  Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral weight loss treatments–another meta-reanalysis.

(4) Hammond DC. “Hypnosis in the treatment of anxiety- and stress-related disorders.” Expert Rev Neurother. 2010 Feb;10(2):263-73)  

(5) Aydin S et al. “Hypnotic suggestion in the treatment of non-organic male sexual dysfunction.”British Journal of Urology. 77(2):256-60, 1996.  

(6) Wild AJ. Hypnosis as an adjunct in the treatment of panic disorder. Australian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis. 1994;22(2):109-17

(7) Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2016;64(1):116-36.A Meta-Analysis for the Efficacy of Hypnotherapy in Alleviating PTSD Symptoms.

(8) EMDR and hypnosis in the treatment of phobias. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. McNeal SA. Am J Clin Hypn. 2001 Jan-Apr. 

(9) J Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2014 Apr; 20(2): 152–162.
The Efficacy of Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

(10) Journal of Pediatrics October 2006 Volume 149, Issue 4, Pages 438–439

(11) Journal of Sleep Medicine 2018 Feb 15; 14 (2) 271-283. Hypnosis Intervention Effects on Sleep Outcomes: A Systematic Review

(12) Addictive disorders and their Treatment 2009 Mar 18,  Effect of Hypnotherapy in Alcohol Use Disorder Compared With Motivational Interviewing: a Randomized Controlled Trial
Edward John Fearn is a “Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist” under Australia’s peak Hypnotherapy Association the “Hypnotherapy Association of Australia” (AHA).